Sunday 29 July 2012

How to Be a Better Lover

How to Be a Better Lover

In an online search to find out how to be a better lover, ironically, THREE major search results tend to arise. First, there is talk of male premature ejaculation or how to get a bigger penis size.
Next, there are more results which highlight how to have MORE sexual activity. Yet, third, final, and most rare of all results is discussion about how to increase:
-- Communication;
-- Intimacy; and
-- Contentment.
Can you see that perhaps average couples or individuals tend to overemphasize the "sport" or physical activity performance segment of love making? With the highest rate of relationship breakups occurring in year 2011, year 2012 and beyond can only deliver romantic partnership improvements via the adoption of new sensual awareness.
Put simply, very few people know the INSIDE methods recommended on how to be a better lover. Relationships are dying, and the sadder part is that such romantic failure occurs WITHOUT the intention or beyond the control of its participants. Granted, men and women have their slight differences in how to interpret what love-making SHOULD entail.
For example, the majority of ladies STILL report that a phone call, a caress, or even a literal, handwritten note of appreciation gives them much of the psychological and emotional reward they expect to receive from romantic involvement.
Shockingly, this fact STILL exists in spite of the truth that a HUGE number of men almost never think about touching a woman unless the direct sexual act is involved.
Surely this writing points no fingers at either gender for the faulty condition of emotional unity. In fact, today's writing invites you to bring to the table a slightly different type of romantic awareness.
Think of it for a moment. Exactly what was your very FIRST reaction to the phrase, "how to be a better lover?"
More importantly, do you now practice any of the time-honored tenets of togetherness or courtship?
The saving grace of new romantic awareness is this. The so-called "secrets" of better lovemaking are, and have been openly available for your romantic consumption for quite some time now.
Yet, unfortunately, the adage of "leading a horse to water" may apply in your grasp of comprehensive relationship improvement technique. In other words, there are sets of definite actions that you can choose, which bring predictably satisfying results to the romance table.
Such knowledge equally represents ROMANTIC and physical performance power, as well.
Thus, no longer do you need to short-change yourself by settling for the latest "quantity" or "size-improvement" fad in lieu of a lasting plus reliable love-making solution.
Do your ears begin to ring with the idea of better answers to the question of how to make love better?"
Take the next step by activating this link on " how to be a better lover," and discover Tantra romantic emotional excitement plus physical relationship fulfillment.
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Select the Right Birdhouse for the Bird Lover and the Birds

Select the Right Birdhouse for the Bird Lover and the Birds

North America is home to over 75 different species of cavity nesting birds that seek shelter and security as they start their families. Some of the better known cavity nesters include woodpeckers, purple martins, bluebirds, titmice, wrens, nuthatches and the chickadees. These birds look for natural cavities created where branches break off of trees or perhaps those already created by woodpeckers and other animals. Unfortunately, humans contribute to the limited availability of these natural cavities through construction projects and seemingly innocent removal of fallen trees. The result is fierce competition among the birds that need them most.
Otherwise known as nest boxes, bird houses provide artificial shelter for cavity dwelling birds throughout their annual brooding season. Nestling birds typically spend 16-22 days in the nest - just long enough for the young to gain strength and learn to fly. Bird houses provide protection from rain, heat, cold and even predators. Because access to bird houses is limited to those animals and birds that can fit through the opening, smaller birds instinctively seek the protection afforded by homes with the possible opening.
Your primary consideration for selection of your birdhouse should be the species of bird that you want to attract. This is important because size matters. Most bird houses have openings that range from 1-1/8 inch to 2-1/2 inches. Minor differences in opening size of even 1/8 of an inch can impact the type of bird it attracts. For example, an opening of 1-1/8 inch is ideal for chickadees and wrens, but too small for most titmice and nuthatches which prefer a 1-1/4 inch opening.
Once you have decided what species of bird that you want to attract, you should consider style and budget. Birdhouses come in all different colors, sizes, shapes, themes, construction materials, mounting mechanisms, opening sizes and access features. Many are just downright functional works of art that can be enjoyed indoors as part of a decorative birdhouse collection as well as outdoors providing protective shelter for a family of nesting birds. In addition, the cost of a birdhouse can range from $15 all way up to several hundred dollars for the most elaborate pieces. Of course you can choose a bare bones unfinished nest box that will make the birds perfectly happy and add little aesthetic appeal to your yard. However, you should consider a home that will complement the landscaping and existing construction of your yard if you wish to indulge your own taste as well.
Other features that should be considered include mounting, ventilation, drainage and access for cleaning and inspection. Birdhouses can be hung from a tree, mounted on a tree or fence post or some of the larger and more elaborate pieces come ready to mount on a permanent 4x4 post or pedestal. Keep in mind that certain birds prefer homes that are mounted at heights consistent with their natural habitats. All functional birdhouses should be complete with ventilation holes near the top to allow the heat to escape in the summer and have adequate drainage holes in the bottom to allow water to escape. Finally it is important that homes can be accessed for inspection and removal of old nests if they are truly to be used as nest boxes. In the end, you can choose a birdhouse that provides a welcome refuge for our feathered friends and provides you with sheer enjoyment as a truly unique and functional work of art.
Check out our awesome selection of bird houses and bird feeders that will please you and your feathered friends.
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3 Secrets To Be A Good Lover To Your Man - How To Keep Him Interested Over The Decades

3 Secrets To Be A Good Lover To Your Man - How To Keep Him Interested Over The Decades

Do you think you have it in you to be a good lover? Would you like to know how to keep the excitement going for you and your man? Is it important to you to be able to please your man and be a good lover to him? Some women are shy about this because they may not feel comfortable in that role. But no matter how you feel about it, by the time you finish reading these secrets, you'll know what to do.
Would you be surprised to find out that it's not just the physical part that counts for you to be a good lover? In fact, the three secrets you're going to read about have almost nothing to do with getting physical.
Secret #1
The first secret really involves the way you see yourself. If you don't feel good about yourself, it's hard for a man to see you any differently. He'll follow your cues and react to you as a result of what you show him. When you have positive feelings about yourself, you carry yourself differently too. Instead of slouching, you hold your head high and smile. You'll feel good about yourself and he'll feel good being with you.
If you feel sexy when you're with him, he'll love and appreciate that about you and let you know. Those feelings make it easy to be a great lover. The same thing goes for loving yourself. After all, if you don't love and care about yourself, how can you expect him to love and care about you?
Feeling good about yourself happens if you can get yourself in the habit of treating yourself with care and consideration. If you feel like you're worth it, he'll see that too. And when you feel good, it's easier to share some of those good feelings and show him that you love him too.
Secret #2
The second secret is to keep things a little bit unexpected. The old saying that variety is the spice of life holds true here. Don't let things get boring and predictable between you. It will pay off to keep things intriguing and interesting.
It could be wearing the kind of clothing that you don't usually wear when you're with just him. Or maybe it's arranging to meet at a quiet out-of-the-way place where you can sit and talk and find out more about each other.
Having a woman who is a good listener can be a real turn-on for a man, especially if you direct one of your steamy glances his way when he's talking. He'll know that you care.
Secret #3
The final secret to being a good lover is to keep flirting. Many times women think that flirting is how you attract a man, but once you hook him, you don't need to keep it up. But that's not true at all if you do your flirting the right way. In fact, there can be something very intimate about communicating in this lighthearted way with the man you care for.
These are all great things to keep in mind when you are trying to learn to be a good lover. And as you might have noticed, we didn't even talk about the physical part of it.
Want to learn more secrets on being a good lover to your man? Then I'd love to help you out!
To read more about how to make a man love you, click Signs He Wants You. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.
Kimberly White is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.
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The Best Tricks to Get Your Ex Lover Back!

The Best Tricks to Get Your Ex Lover Back!

Going through a breakup sucks. That's all there is to it. Nobody likes to experience it, and everybody feels desperate, lonely, and broken after getting dumped. You must feel like there is no possible way to get your ex lover back at this point, but that is not true. Here are 5 of the best ways to help you win back the heart of your lover.
1. Be Who You Are
Everybody gets sad, depressed, and lonely after getting dumped, and it is totally alright to feel that way. However, you must realize that you cannot do those stupid, irrational things that you feel the urge to do right now. You must be you, and by you, I mean the old you. Don't go and get pushed over by incessantly contacting them. Don't beg. Control your emotions and smile just like you used to.
2. Figure Out What Went Wrong
You must figure out what went wrong. Your ex loved you at one point and could not resist you. Now you get dumped-why? Don't ask me, you must go and figure it out yourself. Take some time and look back on your relationship. What were some areas that could have been better? Did you neglect them or went out of your way to show them that they're yours? Consider the fact and try to change it.
3. Remember the Old You
Don't change yourself after you get dumped. Getting dumped does not mean that you are not a good person and trying to change the way you present yourself will only come back to bite you. Perhaps your ex realized that you were trying to be what they wanted you to be, instead of yourself, and wanted to give you some space to become yourself again. You must realize this.
4. Attraction
You were together for a long time now. You must try and remember the things that they liked. Try and remake these moments and get them to remember the fun memories you had together. Let them realize what they are throwing away by being the person they initially fell in love with.
5. Make the First Move
There is a great possibility that your ex is looking to see somebody else. Don't just wait around for them to come back. If you think the time is right... make the first move in get your ex lover back.
Yes, it's still possible. You can get them back regardless of whether they already eloped with someone else or not. Of course, you have to know how to do it effectively.
CLICK HERE to discover the most effective method to get your ex back in your life and very much in love with you again. It has worked for me and it will also work for you!
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Five Effective Ways to Get Your Lover Back

Five Effective Ways to Get Your Lover Back

Are you still in love with the person you just broke with up? Do you want to be reconciled with this person? Do you ponder thoughts on how to get your lover back? Then get ready to be reunited with your beloved through these effective ways:
Express the intentions of winning your love back.
Let your loved one know that you actually want him back. The other party may not accept your invitation right away, but at least he gets the idea. This lets you have the opportunity to maintain close contact with each other.
Change for the better.
Both parties contribute to the success or failure of a relationship. Blaming each other will not help. Rather, to get your lover back, acknowledge your shortcomings. Genuinely understand where you went wrong. Let your partner see that you have changed for the better. Forgive, forget, and move on.
Constantly show reminders of why your partner fell in love with you.
Be it physical attributes, habits, skills or talents, behavior, character or personality, let an ex see that part of you he loves. It will surely get your lover back. Your ex will think twice once he sees what he'll be missing when you separate ways for good. If you have seen Meg Ryan's movie Serious Moonlight, you'll see practical tips about this. The female lead character's efforts to remind her husband of why they fell in love with each other years ago made him drop the divorce papers, leave his mistress, and happily adopt a child to make up for not being able to produce one.
Avoid pathetic offers.
Don't beg to get your lover back. Communication is encouraged, but not to the extent of even stalking the person and making unnecessary scenes in public places. Offering to give everything to an ex to be together again may not be a good compromising idea.
Put yourself together.
Life goes on despite a break up. Some women resort to extreme measures such as a suicide attempt. This may come across as overly romantic for some people, but you have to take note that this is no longer love but an obsession. Love is a two-way process. Obsession, on the other hand, finds a dominant side of yourself and forces another person towards you by all means possible. True, this gets the guy's attention at first - but out of pity and a sense of responsibility. In the end, you may lose your confidence and self-respect. Your relationship, in turn, will be built with lies.
A more beneficial look at this situation is to not let the other party think that your world has fallen apart. Even if you want to get your lover back, it doesn't mean you are hopeless without him. Nobody wants to be with someone who is unable to stand up against life's challenges, like when a good relationship ends. On the other hand, we all look up to those who can rise up amidst issues.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *
This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.
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How You Can Get Your Ex Lover Back in 3 Steps

How You Can Get Your Ex Lover Back in 3 Steps

Have you just recently encountered a break up in your relationship, and are wondering "how can I get my ex lover back"?
You may want to get your ex lover back promptly, and this is a wide spread feeling that everyone has. You may find yourself falling into an emotionally bummed out state, and you may ask yourself what to do. You may instantly want to call your ex lover and beg them to come back to you. But will this really make things better? Instead of making things better, it will more than likely make your situation much worse by pushing your ex lover even further away.
What you need to do at this time is the opposite of how you are feeling. When you feel like calling your ex lover? Don't! Do you feel like staying in bed and crying all day? Don't! Start by following these three basic steps and you will have the answer that you need to the question "how can I get my ex lover back"?
# 1 -Acknowledge the Break Up:
In the first place, you need to accept that the break up is happening. Tell your ex lover that you are okay with it. Inform them that you are ready for the "moving on" step to start. When you do this, it removes a large amount of the stress and tension that is being experienced by both partners. Your ex lover will need time to contemplate the relationship, and this gives you time to consider your options. If your ex thinks that they still love you, they will get back together with you.
Step 2 - Do not contact your ex lover:
Do not try to contact your ex lover at this time. Do not have any communications with them. This will give them some time to think.This may seem counterintuitive, but by not allowing any communication with them,you are letting them know that you are moving on and that you are doing great. This will allow them to think about how much they value the relationship. It will also give them some time to miss you again. When you can detach yourself from your ex lover and your nerves calm down, this may be a good time for them to realize how important you were to them.
Step 3 - Plan Ahead:
Start planning for the get together. Once you have finished the two steps above, you need to start working on when you should meet, where you should meet, and what you need to say when you do meet up again. This will allow you to have a better idea if your ex lover still loves you or not, and if there is any chance that you and your ex lover will be able to get back together.
"How can I get my ex lover back?" may be more complicated than the three steps above. But they give a good start and will dramatically improve your chances of getting your ex lover back.
For more great information on Marriage, Relationships, Dating Ideas Love making tips and More! Please check out our site for the information that will help you. Get Lovers Back
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Fun Things To Do With Your Lover

Fun Things To Do With Your Lover

There are too many fun things do with your lover to list in one short space. But there are some that seem to be popular favorites. Bear in mind your lover's preferences when you look at the list of fun things do with him or her.
Obviously a lover who hates golf might not find mini-golf all that fun, and someone who's not much of a reader won't enjoy the date at the bookstore. But use your imagination and your lover's preferences and you'll come up with your own fun things do with your significant other.
Your lover will probably find anything they do with you fun, even if it's an activity they're not crazy about. So be sure you come up with fun things do with your lover that you know they'll love, even if they're things you're not really into.
Sometimes the most fun things you can do are very simple, like surprising them with a dinner or a favorite dessert you made yourself. Other times you'll want to be more elaborate. For everyday fun things, even just a few minutes of the day that are a surprise can be great, like surprising them with a shoulder massage or a foot rub.
When you have the funds to surprise them with something more costly, they'll know how much you must have wanted to give it to them to spend money on it. But don't worry about the cost, especially if the fun things you come up with don't cost much. These things truly should be from the heart, not the pocketbook.
- Have a 'date' with your lover at home and listen to the radio; after you've called up and dedicated a song to them.
- Have an afternoon of mini-golf. Loser buys the after-game ice cream.
- Find a reading or a book signing at a local bookstore. Stores with cafes right inside are a great place to relax with a book and your lover.
- Surprise them with tickets to a concert, and arrange for a driver to take you to the venue.
- When you're at a restaurant where the staff sings happy birthday to their patrons, tell them it's your lover's birthday; even if it's not.
- Go on a scavenger hunt at a flea market. Make a list of the items to find and mark them off, as you find them, with a note about where they were.
- Make a scavenger hunt for your lover with notes and clues leading him to you!
- Have they ever talked about wanting to do something, but has never done it? Like trying the bungee jump or parachute drop at an amusement park? Sign both of you up, then do it.
- Take them to a museum centered around something they enjoy, like trains, music, art or natural history.
Things you do that you love should be included too, and they should know they make you happy. That makes them some of the best fun things do with your lover.
J.R. Jefferis is a relationship counselor with over 15 years of experience mentoring hundreds of couples. He is the creator of "Lover's Digest", an exclusive club that has free access to his valuable advice, resources and general wisdom about relationships and marriage. To join, visit his website:
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